
Showing posts from February, 2019

Study about giving direction

Learning about giving direction Hi, guys.. How are you? Are you fine? ok guys, today i will give you some example about giving directions Giving directions Go staright on! Go staright ahead! Go down this street! Keep walking! Follow this street! Turn left at the end of the street! Take the first turning on the right! It's about two kilometers It's about six houses away from here It's on the right/ It's on the left It's on the corner Practice James    : Exuse me Inspector : yes, sir. James     : How can I get to Jogja? Inspector : It's very easy. There is a bus every ten minutes from stop number two. and the ticket is ten                  thousand. It takes two hours to get there. Vocabulary Road          : Jalan Street         : Jalan High way   : Jalan raya Thoroughfare : Jalan tembus Short cut  : J...

Study about directions

Learning about directions hi, guys how are you today? are you fine? today, we will study about directions, and you have to study about it for new knowledge. Cardinal points West          : Barat East           : Timur South         : Selatan North         : Utara Southeast   : Tenggara Southwest  : Barat daya Northwest  : Barat laut Northeast    : Timur laut Practice : I will be in next java next week. Liliy lives in south Sumatera Bali is east of Java Asking direction How do I get to Bogor? How can get to Bogor? which way is it to Bandung? can you tell me the way to Bekasi? Is this the right way to Depok? Which Bus goes to Jogja? Where can I get a bus to..? Does this bus go to PoP Hotel? 

Study about telling time

Learning about telling time hi, friends,, how are you today? are you fine? today we will study about telling time, so, we can know how to speak about time on our activity. let's we go to lesson immediately. Vocabulary Waktu     : time Jam         : hour Menit      : minute Detik       : second Seperempat : quarter Setengah   : half Lewat        : past or after Kurang      : to or of Pas/persis  : sharp Cepat         : Fast Lambat      : slow after knowing the vocabs. we will give you some question about time. Asking About Time what time is it? What is the time? when does the consert start? when did the train leave? Excuse me, cloud you tell me the consert time? Response It's one o'clock It's a quarter past one It's a quarter to one  It's half past one It's five to one It's e...

Study About Enumeration and Date

Learning about Enumeration and date Good morning anyone.. How are you today? Are you fine? ok my beloved brothers, today we will learn about enumeration and date. so, we can know how to read the calculation by english. Enumeration Tambahan   : plus/and Perkalian     : mltiplied by/times Pembagian  : divided by Pengurangan : minus Sama dengan : is/are/equals Practice : 2 + 2 = 4        : two and tow are four 12 x 4 = 48    : twelve times four are forty-eight 60 : 3  = 20    : sixty divided by three is twenty 80 - 12 = 68   : eighty minus twelve equals sixty-eight what is 3 and 4? Date In date, however, can be written as follow: In English British    : 17.8.45 (17th August 1945) August the seventeenth, nineteen forty-five. The seventeenth of august, nineteen forty-five In American English : 8.17.45 ( August 17, 1945 ) August seventeenth, nineteen forty-five We...

Study about ordinal number and multiplicative number

Learning about ordinal number and multiplicative number Good evening guys How are you today? Are ou fine? I hope all of you are fine. ok guys, today we will study about ordinal number and multiplicative number. do you know our lesson today? ok i will give you some examples to understand it. Ordinal Number Pertama   : First                        Keenam     : Sixth Kedua      : Second                   Ketujuh      : Seventh Ketiga      : Third                      Kedelapan  : Eighth Ke empat : Fourth                    Kesembilan : Ninth Kelima     : Fifth                      Kesepuluh    : Tenth Answer...

Understanding about introduction

Introduction knowing one other is very important, by introduction, we can establish reletions and help our friends, and because of it, the world becomes wonderful and absorbing. Everybody has own way to present himself. At time, someone wanting to get acquainted with others needs sacrifice and introduction well, that's why, it pleasant and impressing. ok guys, after giving you 2 paragraphs above, i wanna give you some question to you, and you have to answer the following questions and discus them together. 1. What will you do if your friends is indifferent? 2, Have you interesting experience during the introduction? 3. What will you do if someone refuses you to present? 4. How do you feel when ou introduce yourself to the beautiful or handsome boy? why? 5. were you ever disappointed? try to answer that questions, and see you later.

Study About Speaking On The Telephone

Learning about speaking on the telephone Good morning guys.. How are you today? are you fine? Today we will study about how to speak on the telephone. as we know, i will give you some examples about that below, then pay attention. Greeting Good morning, "Restaurant 24"? Hello, Adi's speaking Asking someone to talk to Formal                                                    Informal I'd like to Mr. Adi, please?                     Is Adi at home? Could I talk to Mr. Adi, please?             Is Adi there? May I speak to Adi? Asking the name Formal                                                     Informal May I...

How to introduce yourself to other?

Learning about introduction anytime you will meet with other friend you don't know who are they. and you have to know them to makes some conversation between you and your friends you don't know before. ok guys, i wanna try to give you some example how to introduce to your friends. Formal                                            Response I'd like to introduce myself,          It's pleasure to meet you My name is...                                 It's nice to meet you May I introduce myself? I'm...     I'm glad to meet you Escuse me, my name's... Hello, I'm... Informal                                        Response Have we meet before?...

Study about questions and answers

Learning about questions and answers hi, guys.. how are you today? are you fine? I think all of you are fine.. ok, after learning about farewells or leaving, today we will try to make some questions and answers from which we learned yesterday. straight to examples below : 1. Azka : Hello, Rian. How are you?     Rian  : Fine, thanks 2. Mrs. Brown : How are you this morning?     Mr. Black    : Very well, thanks you. 3. Mr. Black    : How are you this afternoon?     Azka           : Fine, thanks, How are you? 4. Mrs. Brown  : Are you Bill Jones?     Bill               : Yes, I am. 5. Azka            : Are you helen?    Helen            : Yes, I am. 6. Mr. Black     : Good night, Mr. Jone     Mr, Jone       : Goo...

Study About Farewells or Leaving

Learning about farewells or leaving Good afternoon guys are you ok? on this afternoon we will study about farewells or leaving after meeting with our friends. as we know, after meeting with our friends we will go to leave them because we have other job or other agenda. so, before leaving from our friend, the better one is say something to them, to show our respect to them. ok guys, i will give to you some example of farewells or leaving below: Expressions                                      Response Good bye                                         Good bye/bye See you later                                    Fine/ok See you to night            ...

Study about asking condition and health

Learning about asking condition and health Good morning guys.. How are you today? are you fine? ok guys and sist, today we will study about asking condition and health, like a greeting, asking condition and health divided to be two kinds, first is formal and the second is informal. we will give you the example from asking condition and health below. pay attention! Formal                                                Response   How are you?                                     I'm fine, thanks and you? How are you today?                           I'm very well, thanks How are you this morning?               I'm not so well now, thanks Informal...

Study about greeting

Learn about Greeting on our life hi guys, how are you to day? are you fine? ok guys, to day we will learn about Greeting, do you know how many greeting are there? ok, we will learn about it, so, please attantion on the our chapter and you have to memorize it. There are two greeting, first is formal greeting and the second is informal greeting, i will give you some example below 1. Formal Greeting                                                     Response Good Morning                                        Good Morning Good afternoon                                       Good afternoon            ...
