Study About Farewells or Leaving

Learning about farewells or leaving

Good afternoon guys
are you ok?

on this afternoon we will study about farewells or leaving after meeting with our friends. as we know, after meeting with our friends we will go to leave them because we have other job or other agenda. so, before leaving from our friend, the better one is say something to them, to show our respect to them.

ok guys, i will give to you some example of farewells or leaving below:

Expressions                                      Response
Good bye                                         Good bye/bye
See you later                                    Fine/ok
See you to night                               Fine/ok all right
See you soon                                    Fine/Ok
See you                                             Ok
I go ahead                                         Please
I'm leaving                                        Please
I must go now                                   Please
I'll catch you later                             Ok                            
Catch me next                                  Ok
After you                                          Ok
Be good on the way                          Fine
Take care of yourself                        Fine
Have a good time                              Thanks

after knowing this expression, you have to practice on your daily activity, and don't be afraid to practice, looking for friends to be your partner and make some conversation with you.
"Study About Farewells or Leaving"



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