Study About Speaking On The Telephone

Learning about speaking on the telephone

Good morning guys..
How are you today?
are you fine?

Today we will study about how to speak on the telephone. as we know, i will give you some examples about that below, then pay attention.


Good morning, "Restaurant 24"?
Hello, Adi's speaking

Asking someone to talk to

Formal                                                    Informal

I'd like to Mr. Adi, please?                     Is Adi at home?
Could I talk to Mr. Adi, please?             Is Adi there?
May I speak to Adi?

Asking the name

Formal                                                     Informal

May I know who is calling, please?        Who is there?
Cloud I know who is speaking, please    Who is it?
Who's talking, please?                             Who are you?

Answer the phone

Formal                                                     Informal

I'm speaking                                            Yes I'm
Irma's speaking                                        it's me
Alief's speaking                                        myself

"Study About Speaking On The Telephone"



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