Understanding about introduction


knowing one other is very important, by introduction, we can establish reletions and help our friends, and because of it, the world becomes wonderful and absorbing.

Everybody has own way to present himself. At time, someone wanting to get acquainted with others needs sacrifice and introduction well, that's why, it pleasant and impressing.

ok guys, after giving you 2 paragraphs above, i wanna give you some question to you, and you have to answer the following questions and discus them together.

1. What will you do if your friends is indifferent?
2, Have you interesting experience during the introduction?
3. What will you do if someone refuses you to present?
4. How do you feel when ou introduce yourself to the beautiful or handsome boy? why?
5. were you ever disappointed?

try to answer that questions, and see you later.

"Understanding about introduction"



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