Study about ordinal number and multiplicative number

Learning about ordinal number and multiplicative number

Good evening guys
How are you today?
Are ou fine?
I hope all of you are fine.

ok guys, today we will study about ordinal number and multiplicative number. do you know our lesson today? ok i will give you some examples to understand it.

Ordinal Number

Pertama   : First                        Keenam     : Sixth
Kedua      : Second                   Ketujuh      : Seventh
Ketiga      : Third                      Kedelapan  : Eighth
Ke empat : Fourth                    Kesembilan : Ninth
Kelima     : Fifth                      Kesepuluh    : Tenth

Answer the following question!

1. What child are you?
2. What are you in class now?
3. What semester are you now?
4. On what floor are we now?
5. What stage is completed?

Multiplicative Number

Satu kali        : Once
Dua kali         : Twice
Tiga kali        : Three times
Empat kali     : Four times

Answe the following question!

1. How many times have you visited Bali?
2. How many times have you been overseas?
3. How many times do you eat everyday?
4. How often does do your parents call you in month?
5. How frequently does ge come to see you in year?

"Study about ordinal number and multiplicative number"



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