Study about greeting

Learn about Greeting on our life

hi guys,
how are you to day?
are you fine?

ok guys, to day we will learn about Greeting, do you know how many greeting are there? ok, we will learn about it, so, please attantion on the our chapter and you have to memorize it.

There are two greeting, first is formal greeting and the second is informal greeting, i will give you some example below

Greeting                                                   Response
Good Morning                                        Good Morning
Good afternoon                                       Good afternoon                    
Good Evening                                         Good Evening                    
Morning Jhon                                          Morning Bill

2. Informal
Greeting                                                   Response
Hi, Richard                                               Hi, Hafidz 
Hello, Susi                                                Hello, Leo

do you get it? how about thats greeting? if someone or your friend say Good Morning to you, you can answer Good Morning, if your friend say to you Hi, Ricahrd to you or ather name, you can answer like on the example.
"belajar bahasa inggris dasar"



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