
Showing posts from March, 2019

Contoh Teks MC Pengajian Peringatan Isra' dan Mi'raj

Contoh teks MC untuk pengajian peringatan isra' dan mi'raj Al Mukarom Bapak ....(yang akan mengisi pengajian) Al Mukarom Pimpinan cabang Muhammadiyah Tersono Al Mukarom Pimpinan Ranting Muhamadiyah Kranggan 02 Al Mukarom Pimpinan R anting se cabang Muhammadiyah Tersono Al Mukarom Kepala desa kranggan Dan para hadirin yang dirahmati oleh Allah SWT. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وباركاته الحمد لله بارئ النسم, وخالق اللوح والقلم, أحمده تعالي علم الإنسان ما لم يعلم, وأشكره علي ما أسدى وأنعم, وأشهد أن نبينا محمدا عبد الله ورسوله الهدي إلي السبيل الأقوم, صلى الله عليه وعلى اله, وصحبه وسلم. أما بعد Tiada rangkaian kata yang sempurna melainkan ucapan syukur yang terangkai dalam kalimat thoyibah    الحمد لله رب العالمين yang karena rahmat, taufik, serta hidayah-Nya kita dapat bertemu,berkumpul dan bermuwajjahah dalam rangka : Pengajian Isro’ Mi’roj Nabi Muhammad SAW yang diselenggarakan oleh keluarga besar Muhammadiyah ranting kranggan 02 Shalawat serta sa...

Study about offering help

Learning about offering help hi guys.. how are you ? are you fine? ok guys.. today we will study about offering help. let's go to the example. Formal                               Informal May I...                              Can I... Could I...                            Shall I... Would you like me to..      Let me help you with your bag Acceping Offers Formal                                       Informal Thank you very much                Please, thanks Thank you                                  Yes, thank...

Study About Traveling

Learning about travelling hi guys.. How are you? are you fine? ok guys, today we will study about conversation at travelling. let's go to examples below Asking facilities There isn't a restaurant car? Is there a restaurant on the car? Can I get something to eat on train? Is that a fast train or a slow train? How often How often the train leave? There are three trains an hour Ticket A singgle / tiket untuk satu kali jalan A return / tiket untuk pergi pulang Departure / Arrival We leave at seven We go to Ngobaran Beach first We come back from Bali on Monday morning Can you tell me where to get off? It arrive in Jogja at 10 o'clock How long does it take to get her? It takes seven hours

Study About Invitation

Learning about Invitation hi, guys.. how are you? are you fine? Today we will study about Invitation. ok guys, immediately we wanna give you some example of invetation Formal expressions                 Informal Expressions would you like to...                    Let's.. would you like to join me?        How about... would you be free to...?             What about... Acception Invitation Formal                                                Informal Thank you, I'll be glad to                    thanks, I'd love to Thanks you, I'd like to very much      thanks, I'd like to                    ...


Study About Apologizing hi, guys. How are you? are you fine? ok guys, today we will study about apologizing. if we make some mistake with our friend, we have to apologize to our friend. i will give you some examples of apologizing Asking people to say something again. Formal                                            Informal Pardon? could you say ha again     Sorry? pardon me?                                     what did you say? Excuse me?                                     what was that again? Apologizing Formal                                    Response  ...

Telling Something About Yourself

Telling Something About Yourself Describing Our Surroundings I live in Jakarta I live in the center of Jakarta I live in the suburbs of London I live in the country I live in the village I live in a noisy street I live in a quiet street I live in a narrow street  Describing buildings I live in a house I live on a farm I live in flat I live in a block of flat Our education Which university / school did you go to? I went to Brawijaya University I did a course in engineering  I did English course Talking about how long we did something in the past   I was in Surabaya for five years I was there from 1990 to 1995 I was in there untill 1994 I used to live in Bandung I used to work in Middle east Talking about something we do in present time   I have been a teacher for two years .( sampai sekarang) I am working for PT PAL surabaya at the mornet. (sebentar lagi akan berhenti bekerja) I work for PT PAL Surabaya.( menunjukkan...
